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EU Opportunities for RAising Skills through Volunteering of Unengaged Seniors

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Our Objective

ERASVUS+ aims at reaching the following OBJECTIVES:

1/ to contribute to the development of competences of the educators and staff members working with adults, specifically with the over-50s

2/ to create new opportunities for learning for the over-50s, through European mobilities for volunteering (LTTAs)

3/ to establish a network of European Institutions cooperating in the education of seniors.

Moreover, ERASVUS+ aims at creating a space for bringing together different generations to discuss and promote European volunteering opportunities for senior citizens.

Thanks to the adoption of an intergenerational approach, some young people will share their experience as EU volunteers (in programs like EVS, European Solidarity Corps, EuropeAid,...), while the seniors will give them back their great wealth of experience and their specific knowledge.


STAFF MEMBERS  (coordinators/tutors/educators/facilitators/trainers) with specific expertise, daily working in senior education, non formal education, European Citizenship education, intergenerational learning, integral expression activities, on a professional or volunteering basis.


UNENGAGED SENIOR LEARNERS (OVER 50s) will attend to the LTTAs together with the staff memebrs.


The volunteers, after their mobilities, will be engaged in the sending organizations as MENTORS, supporting the preparation of the next over-50s who will take part to another blended mobility within the project and/or to other future similar initiatives, after the ERASVUS+ completion.

Virtual Conference
Crowd Cheering
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5 LTTA (4 Blended Mobilities and 1 Training Course)

6 Local Activities


76 mobilities between staff members and senior learners


European Senior Volunteering (ESV) Guidelines and 36 testimonies of the senior learners who attended a blended volunteering mobility


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"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union"

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