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Participar en este proyecto ha sido realmente interesante y enriquecedor, las personas mayores han disfrutado muchísimo conociendo otras culturas y conviviendo con personas de otros países, ellos nunca habían tenido esa oportunidad antes, pues Erasmus es un programa que nació cuando ellos ya eran adultos, ha supuesto un convivir, una segunda oportunidad y también aprender del voluntariado que hacen compañeros de otros países, de cómo trabajan, se han integrado a la perfección y tienen ganas de más. - Raquel, ES

Very useful project to better understand how to promote and implement Senior Volunteering initiatives in another country, by taking into proper consideration the needs and expectations of the adult participants - Evangelista, IT

It was interesting to learn and experiment with new ways to motivate seniors to do volunteering and how to introduce this new concept to them. It was fantastic to see how they got empowered and their motivation and self-confidence were boosted when they experienced they could communicate with peers from other countries, despite the language barriers. - Anca, ES

The project addresses a very important topic indeed, namely how to help seniors to remain active as the years passing, while helping the community. Doing this on an international level adds a lot of value. Sharing experience across borders is an obvious benefit. On top of that, this project energized all participants beyond my expectation. The travel, the whole program was very well organized, with a lot of programs (the right amount, not too many). Arrangements were flexible, allowing participants to be active and refresh whenever needed.- Janos, HU

Esperienza molto costruttiva sul piano culturale e umano. Confrontarsi e lavorare insieme, conoscere nuove realtà educative con partecipanti di altre nazionalità mi ha dato la possibilità di valorizzare e interiorizzare le differenze considerandole una risorsa in una prospettiva di formazione continua molto valida. I docenti hanno avuto una grande capacità di rimuovere le barriere interculturali e a progettare e gestire la pratica educativa con modalità di apprendimento differenti in base alle differenti condizioni di contesto. - Fiorello, IT

This kind of project helps our seniors to stay active and to feel they can still make new connections, not only locally, but also internationally. Even if they didn't travel, they were happy to share time with each other. Traveling and getting to know other countries and cultures was a plus, but not the only motivation and gain. - Melissa, ES

A nemzetközi kapcsolatoknak mély érzelmi tartalmat ad az a tudat, hogy nem fizetett alkalmazottakkal találkozunk, hanem élettapasztalattal rendelkező, érző emberekkel. Felejthetetlen, ahogy a tenerifei önkéntesek által nyaraltatott fiú angolul tolmácsolt kisebb társának, aki elmagyarázta, hogy az általa épített LEGO alkotásban mi magyarok is szerepelünk. - Bela, HU

Esperienza molto interessante, l'incontro con persone diverse per cultura e sopratutto linguaggio, mi ha portato ad esprimermi anche con il linguaggio del corpo,mediante i vari esercizi di conoscenza. Molto apprezzato lo scambio del pranzo, prodotti e pietanze, che ogni nazione fa fatto per gli altri. L'attività con i bambini della scuola, piantumazione degli alberi, è stata un esperienza molto bella, con la quale s'insegna ai più piccoli, la strada da seguire per aver cura della natura. Interessante i lavori di gruppo , nei quali abbiamo sintetizzato tutte le attività svolte. I tutor e i vari responsabili hanno ben condotto tutte le attivià. - Fabio, IT

I have learned to enjoy gastronomy and to respect the culture of other countries thanks to the Erasvus project. - Soledad, ES

"Cuenca is a wonderful medieval town on a hilltop, from where you can see the countryside and the new districts all around. Transport was not easy, but you could get to the university on foot or by bus. We were lucky because several programmes started close to where we lived. I really liked some of the programmes. For example, Euritmia, which I had seen before, but the invited speaker here was able to give us the basic forms at a very high level. Although I would have preferred to visit art museums, I still had a great experience visiting the Museum of Palaeontology. Not only because of the enthusiastic guides, but also because of the wealth of prehistoric finds on a scale never seen before. The presentation of the ICT in a short workshop was very well done. The chaotic presence of our host was a bit distracting, but we managed to overcome this. Some of the excursions were also unforgettable, such as the visit to the sea of stones on the last day. Last but not least, I must mention the fantastic Spanish cuisine we enjoyed all week. I especially enjoyed the opportunity to practise my Spanish." - Maria, HU

​Erasvus è stata una nuova esperienza tramite cui è stato possibile sperimentare sul campo nuove metodologie di contaminazione digitale e culturale tra vecchie e nuove generazioni. Le associazioni che hanno collaborato nel progetto si sono dimostrate accoglienti, propositive e soprattutto entusiaste! Grazie! - Emanuele, IT

First of all, I would like to thank the Erasvus project and all the coordinators. I had the opportunity to travel to Cuenca, where I shared very nice moments from which I have beautiful memories. It is a beautiful place for its landscapes and culture. The experience was enriching, and I learned a lot from all the people who participated in it. - Susana, ES

During the project, I have seen senior volunteers blossom after their trip to another country. They shared their excitement about meeting and getting to know fellow seniors and their local activities. Locally I could witness how involving senior volunteers in youth work is beneficial for both. Youth expressed their gratitude to have a grandparent feeling (taken care of, guidance, fun time together, learning from their stories). Seniors shared that they feel useful, and nostalgic and enjoy social activities and time with youth. More senior volunteering activities should be there both locally and internationally. - Kriszta, HU

L’esperienza da tutor in questo progetto é stata una delle più significative perché ha permesso di confrontarmi con una realtà diversa dalla mia generazione. Oggi le generazioni si trasformano velocemente e questo tipo di progetti permette ai più giovani di realizzare un confronto immediato e proficuo con generazioni più lontane in entrambe le Direzioni: Quella dell’età e quella della differenza culturale essendo coinvolte diverse persone da più partner europei.- Marco, IT

I am very happy to have participated in some activities. It opens a new horizon in people's minds and hearts. To know other realities, to live together, to go beyond languages and to understand each other and laugh about the same things, to sing the same songs.... this participation was very nice. I thank all the organisers who have made these meetings possible and I hope that there will be more. - Maria del Rosario, ES

For me, the best experience of the ERASVUS+ project was that it convinced me that it is possible to stay active after active employment. It is possible to be useful as a senior, it is possible to be cheerful, it is possible to find new friends. During the trip, there was just the right balance between social activities, getting to know a new country and volunteering. And it was also a pleasure to be able to show some of the particularities of our own city and culture. - Reka, HU

Viaggio a Cuenca del giugno 2022. Da un viaggio si ritorna sempre arricchiti, portandosi via sapori profumi colori e immagini che ti restano nel ricordo e nel cuore. Cuenca è significato di più. È stato un viaggio dell'anima, in cui la cultura degli organizzatori, la loro esperienza nel donare agli altri e la condivisione dei momenti di dolore e di quelli di gioco ed allegria ti miglioravano ogni giorno, arricchendoti,appunto, di umanità. L'organizzazione del viaggio e del soggiorno sono stati perfetti, nessun contrattempo, soluzione abitativa confortevole, grande gentilezza e competenza espressa dagli accompagnatori e dagli ospiti spagnoli . Un viaggio che mi ha donato energia e voglia di vivere - Betty, IT

I think that what I have experienced by participating in different intergenerational exchange projects is the best way to learn and get to know the culture of other countries. It is a culture that we want, not wars. - Graziella, ES

I spent one useful week in Spain thanks for Erasvus. We had the possibility to know something about the life of the Spanish people on pension and even enjoyed this wonderful week there together. At home I joined an amateur choir, the members are mostly older than me. - Emese, HU

Visiting Tenerife is already a wonderful experience, with its coast, the scenarios offered by the countries overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, and tourism all year round. Then the Teide Volcano deserves a separate mention, a fascinating place of rare beauty and I believe unique in the world. In all of this, the best thing was the hospitality of the locals and sharing a very interesting socializing experience with many people of various nationalities. - Roberto, IT

"It's a very good experience to share these days...sharing so many things is comforting for the wellbeing of my memory... now it is full of unrepeatable moments that I had not lived before... I will remember everything and don't mind repeating it... For me there is no age for all this, with a good attitude I fill a lot of baskets....- Ana Sanchez, ES


I love to be an active member of the Erasvus senior volunteering life. For me is Team building across Europe and Happy to think together with other people of the same age as me building a multicultural society where we can share our thoughts, experience, and way of daily routine. In this way, we could support more each other, develop- and encourage ourselves. This project for me is a “recharge of battery” mentally and physically either. The show must go on! - Katalin K., HU

Quella di Budapest è stata un esperienza straordinaria, gratificante sotto alcuni aspetti perché abbiamo trascorso il soggiorno a contatto con realtà che non sono poi tanto differenti dalle nostre, realtà che hanno avuto il merito di farci sentire particolarmente a nostro agio e partecipi al progetto. Un ringraziamento va ovviamente a Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa per averci coinvolte ma anche ai tutor per la loro professionalità e capacità comunicativa. - Enza, IT

I would like to thank the promoters for having made these exchanges very useful for all of us, we learn a lot from them. Thank you.- Maria Conception, ES

The idea of the project is very good. It is good for everyone if seniors volunteer. It would be good to have more opportunities. Implementation. Beautiful city, good food, some good activities. However, the programs didn't bring me closer to volunteering at all. There was not much on this topic, and the only activity related to it was playing with the kids on the first day. - Katalin B., HU

L'esperienza vissuta a Budapest, per quanto mi riguarda, è stata emotivamente intensa in ogni singola attività. Seppur breve, il periodo trascorso a contatto con persone di nazionalità e culture diverse ma accomunate da un'alta sensibilità ed empatia, ha fatto sí che si venisse a creare una sinergia unica tra noi. Il mio sentimento è di profonda gratitudine per aver avuto l'opportunità di vivere questa bellissima esperienza. Ringrazio nuovamente Fattoria Pugliese e tutto il suo staff per avermelo permesso. - Vanessa, IT

I have participated in this European project and the truth is that it has been very interesting not only for being able to know other European countries and Spain Mainland, in the case of Cuenca but also for the human value, to be able to exchange with many people who have the same interests as us. And thanks to the coordinators who have made it possible, because all these projects take a lot of bureaucratic and accounting work. I hope to keep in touch with all the people we have met. On an individual level, we have already established some friendly relations. I believe that our local group here, in Punta del Hidalgo, has also consolidated thanks to all this.- Juana Maria Huguet, ES

In my opinion, senior volunteering is a great way of staying active and sharing as well as gaining valuable experiences about our ever changing world - after retirement. This project superbly contributed to the realization of that on an international, European level. - Tibor, HU

Per me è stata un'esperienza fantastica ,avere avuto l'occasione di poter conoscere tanta gente, di altre nazionalità ,persone speciali con tanto cuore,..disponibili generose,..ed emozionante,per tutto quello che abbiamo imparato,praticamente un bagaglio di vita vissuta che difficilmente, verrà dimenticata,..grazie di ❤️ a voi organizzatori di Fattoria Pugliese per averci regalato questa bellissima esperienza - Rosalba, IT

For me, it was very nice and unforgettable. The experience for me is very good. I wouldn't mind if it was repeated and if they came even if there wasn't a trip because trips are the least important thing for me. It was a very nice experience, it seemed to me that everyone participated and everything went well, I think it would be good to repeat it ... .- Maria del Carmen Rodriguez, ES

I traveled to Cuenca with the Hungarian group as an interpreter and was a volunteer in Budapest with the groups. This experience was important for me. I made lifelong friendships. Right now I am visiting back to Cuenca and spent some beautiful days in the hospitality of the Cuenca team. I also visited the Tenerife team in Punta de Hidalgo. We keep in touch and tell about our life. I always liked to volunteer to help people and on the trip, we were shown nice examples of helping each other. I think this project made a step in us toward others. Thank you for the idea of this project and the way that took me there. - Gyorgyi, HU

The experience and the human relations with the participating groups was very positive. Thank you very much!- Cezar Barreto, ES


As an English teacher, I took part in European activities with my students. Once I retired I missed the international atmosphere and the cooperation. During this project I could re-live this, which was amazing! What's more now it was about, for me, which was new. It felt great to be taken care of, and that I did not need to be the organizer. Volunteering is something that I keep on doing since I retired in Hungary. But to experience it in an international, intercultural setting it was delightful and really motivating, and refreshing. I wish to take part in more activities like this if my health allows it. - Katalin Z, HU

For me it has been a pleasure to share activities with our visitors, although I did not travel to their countries, I felt very comfortable receiving their visit and showing them our hospitality. I thank them and all our group, they are experiences that teach a lot. - Carmen Ibarria, ES

Video Testimonials

"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union"

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