"My son, do you remember? You played with nothing and you were happy! And I was happy!
You scraped your knees, played in the street, and you were happy!
Two sticks would become a bow and arrows, a branch became a slingshot, and you were happy!
A piece of chalk and you built a “siloca”*, the rain wouldn’t wet you, and you were happy!
A wall and two alleys became “cuccia.cuccia”** With two friends, you were happy!
4 “furmelle” and 2 “pantaloni” and you were rich; you were eating cherries, and the “nozzuli”*** became a game, and you were happy!
You were running barefoot through stones and brambles, and you were happy!
Now, keep playing among the clouds and be happy, my son!"
-Gianni Preite, Italy
**hide and seek