Dates of the meeting: 5 March 2022
Where was held: Lecce
Host organization: Integra Onlus
Whom attended: 2 participants from E-Juniors (FR), 2 participants from Kainotomia (EL), 1 participant from Geoclub (PT), 2 participants from Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa APS (IT), and 2 participants from Integra Onlus (IT)
Aim of the meeting: to evaluate the progress of FACIT and to share the results of each partner's educational activities carried out at local level in order to experiment the FACIT methodology for Active Citizenship.
The agenda (short description) and the speakers/facilitators of the meeting: During this meeting, Mrs. Klodiana Cuka, the president of Integra Onlus welcomed the FACIT Network and presented the agenda of the meeting. The session continued with the presentation of Mr. Evangelista Leuzzi, on the FACIT’s progress, where it is and what it has to be done in the future months. Another topics on the agenda of the event were about financial issues and clarifications, establishiment of the next project meetings, and where and how to organize the local events. Moreover, some proposal of training activities were proposed by the FACIT Network for the implementation of the long LTTA.
