The E-Juniors team organised a workshop with the high-school students of the Águas Santas Secondary School on Digital Citizenship in the framework of the long-term FACIT training in Porto.
The participants discussed the definition of Digital Citizenship, how to be a good digital citizen and the main rules to become one. The students participated in a quiz on these matters organised via Quizizz and demonstrated overall very high awareness skills on Digital Citizenship.
In an informal and very open manner, the students together with FACIT partners talked about cyberbullying, the privacy issues, the social networks used nowadays and the digital footprint.
At the end, the students asked numerous personal and topic-related questions and thanked each other for participation! Let’s be responsible digital citizens!
#erasmus #erasmusplus #activecitizenship #digitalcitizenship #digitalfootprint #ejuniors #geoclub #integra #kainotomia #fattoriapugliesediffusa
Καινοτομία Κέντρο Δια Βίου Μάθησης E-Juniors Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa Associazione Culturale Geoclube - Associação Juvenil